5 Tips for eating smartly at exam time

When you’re studying for exams, good nutrition often slides down the priority list. However, a long exam is like a mental marathon in which endurance is critical. Research has shown that the healthier and better we eat, the more we can remain focused on a task at hand. On the other hand, the wrong dietary choices such as too much sugar, caffeine and fatty foods can make you feel sluggish and jittery.
Follow these simple tips below to help you eat your way to success:
1. Do not skip meals, especially breakfast
Your body needs fuel in the form of food and water to function. And glucose levels need to be consistent throughout the day so that you do not lose concentration. Breakfast is considered to be the most important meal, as it gives us the energy to face the day.
2. Eat healthy balanced meals
Proteins like lean meat, fish, eggs, fruit, nuts and whole grains are foods that help keep the brain mentally alert. Snack on things like fruit, popcorn, yoghurt and nuts, and hydrate with water, as these will help keep your concentration from wavering.
3. Break up your meals
Instead of three main meals, rather have six smaller meals. This will prevent you from feeling bloated and will keep your energy levels stable throughout the day.
4. Keep caffeine to a minimum
Try to limit your coffee intake to two cups per day. Too much caffeine may cause you to become jittery and nervous, and it may also keep you awake when you really need some sleep.
5. Avoid sugar
Most of us are guilty of indulging in sweet treats such as pastries, cakes, muffins, chocolate, cool drinks and juices. Foods high in sugar take long to digest and can therefore leave us feeling sluggish and unable to concentrate fully.
Remember, when you eat healthy balanced meals and snacks, you will have better moods, sleep better, concentrate better and your body and mind will feel better overall.