The final matric exam timetable is out

This year, more than 1,1 million Grade 12 learners are expected to write the final combined matric exam. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/African News Agency/ANA
The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has released its combined matric June/December National Senior Certificate (NSC) exam timetable for 2020.
Due to the pandemic, the class of 2020 was unable to write their mid-year exams as schools were closed.
Examinations will commence from November 5 with two sessions of English First Additional language and Home Language, respectively; and will conclude on December 15 with Visual Arts and Agricultural Management Practices.
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According to the Department of Education, the late commencement of the final Grade 12 exams will allow schools and learners adequate time to cover the curriculum and ensure extra time for revision.

“This is a combined examination which implies that all candidates that were scheduled to write the Senior Certificate examination in May/June 2020 and have already registered, will be allowed to write this examination. Candidates that have also registered for the October/November 2020 National Senior Certificate examination will be allowed to write this examination.
“The Life Orientation (LO) Common Assessment Task will be written on Monday, October 19. Computer Applications Technology (CAT) and Information Technology (IT) practical examinations will be written prior to the official commencement of the examination, on October 21 and October 22, respectively,” said the department.
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Matric is a challenging school year at any time, and we have all been there but not many of us can boast about writing matric exams during a pandemic.
Many hours of learning lost due to the pandemic. Most learners have to play catch-up on their subject curricula before they can even start to think about revising.
Don’t despair or feel anxious – Student360 is here to help. We have the latest Grade 12 study and revision material you’ll need to stay on track.
These learning materials consist of official Mind The Gap study guides that have been broken up into chapters or units. And, our revision material consists of NSC past papers and corresponding memos.
All material were supplied by the Department of Basic Education.
This year, more than 1,1 million Grade 12 learners are expected to write the final combined matric exam.
The class of 2020 will receive their results on February 23, 2021 and the department assures all learners that the late release of the results will not jeopardise their admission to tertiary Institutions.