Revise like a champ with fun worksheets for Grades 1 to 7

Maths, English, Afrikaans and science worksheets galore await young minds eager to learn.
Fun learning and revision activities for learners in Grade 1 to Grade 7 are just a few quick clicks away inside STUDENT360’s “GRADES 1-11” section.
Click on the button for your grade and you’ll find a big selection of worksheets and their corresponding answer papers in subjects such as English, Afrikaans, Maths and Natural Sciences.
Put together by specialist educators, these worksheets cover the important sections, concepts and topics for a particular subject. They are perfect for revising what you’ve learnt and for practising activities that have already been covered in your online “classroom” lessons. The worksheets are easy to view on the website, and just as easy to download, print out and even share with a friend.
The learning material section of the STUDENT360 website is constantly being updated, with more worksheets added every few days. So be sure to visit us regularly to check out what new exciting learning material is ready and waiting for you.